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Naturalization of almond trees (Prunus dulcis) in semi-arid regions of the Western Mediterranean.




Agricultural land abandonment is rampant in present day Europe. A major consequence of this phenomenon is the re-colonization of these areas by the original vegetation. However, some agricultural, exotic species are able to naturalize and colonize these abandoned lands. In this study we explore the ability of almonds (Prunus dulcis D.A. Webb.) to establish in abandoned croplands in semi-arid areas of SE Iberian Peninsula. Domesticated during the early Holocene in SW Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean, the almond has spread as a crop all over the world. We established three plots adjacent to almond orchards on land that was abandoned and reforested with Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) and Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) about 20 years ago. We recorded the abundance of almond seeds, seedlings, juveniles, prereproductives and adults in these plots, and determined their recruitment microhabitat. We found natural regeneration in all three plots, with almond density higher than 150 individuals/ha in each plot. About half of the almonds in the plots were juveniles, although 7% were one-year seedlings and 3% were adult trees. This suggests that colonization of abandoned lands is an ongoing gradual process. Most naturally established almonds were under tree cover, although this was not the most abundant microhabitat, avoiding the negative impact of browsing by Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) and domestic sheep and goats. In addition, the mean distance from the nearest seed source was 77 m. These findings suggest the action of mobile almond dispersers. Several Corvid species including the Carrion Crow (Corvus corone) and the Magpie (Pica pica) have been observed consuming and moving almonds in the study area. Our study has demonstrated that almonds are colonizing abandoned lands mostly as a consequence of effective seed dispersal by some animals. We show that almonds have the potential to become fully naturalized in the near future in many semi-arid areas of the Western Mediterranean.
机译:在当今的欧洲,农地被遗弃猖ramp。这种现象的主要后果是这些地区被原始植被重新定殖。但是,一些农业外来物种能够在这些荒芜的土地上归化和定殖。在这项研究中,我们探索了杏仁(Prunus dulcis D.A. Webb。)在东南伊比利亚半岛半干旱地区的废弃农田中定殖的能力。杏仁在东南亚和地中海东部的全新世早期就被驯化了,杏仁已经作为一种农作物在世界范围内传播。我们在大约20年前用阿勒颇松(Pinus halepensis Mill。)和圣栎(Quercus ilex L.)废弃并重新造林的土地上,在杏仁果园附近建立了三个土地。我们在这些样地中记录了丰富的杏仁种子,幼苗,少年,繁殖前体和成虫,并确定了它们的微生境。我们在所有三个地块中发现了自然更新,每个地块中的杏仁密度都高于150个个体/公顷。该地块中大约一半的杏仁是幼树,尽管一年生幼苗占7%,成年树占3%。这表明对废弃土地的殖民化是一个持续的渐进过程。尽管不是最丰富的微生境,但大多数天然建立的杏仁都在树下,从而避免了红鹿(Cervus elaphus)和家养绵羊和山羊浏览的负面影响。此外,距最近种子源的平均距离为77 m。这些发现表明了移动杏仁分散剂的作用。在研究区域内,已经观察到包括腐肉乌鸦(Corvus corone)和喜p(Pica pica)在内的几种Corvid物种正在消耗和移动杏仁。我们的研究表明,杏仁是在荒地上定居的,这主要是由于某些动物有效地散布了种子。我们显示杏仁在不久的将来有可能在西地中海的许多半干旱地区被完全归化。



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